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Дата выхода: 10 августа 2018
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09 май 2024, 14:20
We Happy Few - это приключенческая игра, разработанная студией Compulsion Games. Действие игры происходит в альтернативной Великобритании 1960-х годов, где общество подавляет неприятные воспоминания, принимая препарат, который делает всех жителей счастливыми. Игроку предстоит взять на себя роль персонажей, которые отказываются от принятия этого препарата и пытаются выжить в мире, где все видят мир розовыми очками. Строится вокруг трех главных героев, каждый из которых имеет свою собственную историю и мотивацию. Игрок будет исследовать открытый мир, сражаться с врагами, выполнять задания и раскрывать тайны темного прошлого общества. В процессе игры игрок будет сталкиваться с выборами, которые будут влиять на ход сюжета и развитие персонажей. We Happy Few предлагает сочетание элементов выживания, экшена и ролевой игры. Игроку предстоит собирать ресурсы, создавать предметы, исследовать окружающий мир и сражаться с врагами. Кроме того, игра имеет нелинейную структуру, что позволяет игроку свободно выбирать путь и решать, как решать задачи и преодолевать препятствия. 1. Уникальная атмосфера альтернативной Великобритании 1960-х годов.
2. Нелинейный сюжет с возможностью влиять на его развитие.
3. Разнообразные задания и квесты, которые позволяют игроку исследовать мир игры.
4. Сочетание элементов выживания, экшена и ролевой игры.
5. Возможность выбирать своего героя и исследовать историю каждого из них. 1. Игра была успешно профинансирована через платформу Kickstarter, собрав более чем вдвое запрошенную сумму.
2. We Happy Few получила номинацию на престижную премию BAFTA в категории "Лучшая игра".
3. В игре есть режим, позволяющий игроку создать свою собственную историю и мир.
4. Сюжет игры был вдохновлен произведениями Джорджа Оруэлла и Эдгара Аллана По.
5. В We Happy Few игроку предстоит столкнуться с моральными дилеммами и выбирать между собственной выживаемостью и истиной.
We Happy Few - это уникальная игра с захватывающим сюжетом, интересным геймплеем и атмосферой, которая заставляет задуматься о цене счастья. Если вы любите альтернативные истории и хотите испытать на себе сложности выживания в мире иллюзий, то стоит скачать We Happy Few и отправиться в увлекательное приключение.
Jolly Brolly
Roger & James in They Came From Below
We Happy Few - Lightbearer
We Happy Few - We All Fall Down
Changelog for Update 1.9 (added 11 november 2019):
General Bugs/Stability
When crafting with weapons as reagents, they no longer appear as fractions. Partial items can now be used to craft.
Fixed the bug that caused systemic NPC conversations and POI interactions to not trigger properly, not play audio or loop repeatedly.
NPCs no longer instantly stand-up and clip through their beds when startled by noise.
Female Wellies/Wastrels and Criers no longer lack lip sync when talking to them.
Dead NPCs don’t spawn alive anymore after loading into area.
Encounter-specific Bobbies no longer create a temporary loss of functionality when bribed.
Epilogue Cutscene: Performance issues no longer cause the final cutscene to hang and the audio to not be synchronized with the visuals.
Fixed the bug that caused fast travelling to the Shelter in the "Secondary St. George's Holm Hatch" to prevent the creation of a "Last Shelter Visited" save file.
Fire and smoke no longer clip through the wall on the second floor of the House of Doctors.
Hopscotch POI can no longer spawn under multiple assets on the sidewalks, fixing the bug where Wellies can clip through them as they hop across them.
Intro loading captions at the start of each character’s story no longer appear only in English.
DLC Specific: Custom difficulty no longer includes survival needs difficulty which is not present in the DLCs.
Missing SFX when navigating and selecting slots in the Load Game Menu are now in the game.
Placeholder textures for the Frying Pan, the Rolling Pin, Mother's Little Helper and The Double Plus Wood are no longer showing when they break.
Collision issues (sticky/stuck spots) are no longer present around the small fences along the 2 sides of the Thomasina House.
The Histoplasma hallucination music now plays without the Lightbearer DLC installed.
TNT no longer goes through floor when dropped.
HUD will no longer take between 5-30 seconds to update after a change in Status Effects or Health when a PC/console is starved of resources.
Uncle Jack (Wakey Wakey) collectible videos are no longer unlocked even when the radios are turned off.
Fixed the bug where video in pre-rendered cinematics could be delayed but not their audio, making them out of sync.
White Tree Park: NPCs no longer sit on top of each other on the benches.
Infinite loading when entering Act 2 after completing Arthur's playthrough is no longer happening..
Arcade Mode
All modes: NPCs no longer clutter in areas such as Cozy Tea Park.
All modes: Player does not see footprints of most NPCs while sneaking
All modes: Some NPC Wellies don't sit properly on the benches (clipping, floating and misaligned).
All modes: Honey can now be harvested from all Honey Bee Nests.
All modes: Encampment terrain now fits the terrain around it.
All modes: Last Shelter Visited is now saved in Village Hatches.
All modes: All Fast Travel Hatches now have their proper name.
Freeform: The street park is no longer floating a little above the ground.
Freeform: The 'Reset Skills' cheat is now functional.
Freeform: Old Fountain Park level no longer floats above the island
Freeform: Terrain is no longer floating in the Garden District.
Survival: Fixed stuck spots.
Survival: Performing a Save/Load inside the hidden room of Abbott Estate no longer causes the player to load back into a swarm of bees.
Survival: When 2 NPCs try to interact with the same object, one NPC no longer circles around the one that interacting with the object.
Survival: A Custom Waypoint is no longer present during the loading screen when starting a game in Survival Mode.
Survival: Water beside the bomb no longer cuts off abruptly.
Wellie: Items that cure certain status no longer have the bad ailments written twice under the item's description.
Wellie: No longer possible to have a negative number for the "Money Earned" at the end screen.
Wellie: A 'You Are Bleeding' message no longer appears on the intro screen.
Wellie: The string "Weapon Of Choice" at the Death screen no longer appears only in English.
Wellie: Infection no longer persists into the next round (now behaves like other status ailments).
Wellie: Money Earned stat is now accurate on the end game screen.
Wellie: The "Recent" sorting option now also apply to Wellie mode.
Encounter Fixes
Arthur: No longer possible to get trapped inside the Mystery House grounds as the gate will only open when the histoplasma mushroom status effect is active.
Arthur: Office Workers in “Start Spreading the News” are no longer upstairs attempting to sit on the same couch.
Arthur: After Nick's bathroom electrocution cutscene, there is no longer a random assortment of items floating where player was standing.
Arthur: In the Faraday Cage, James no longer falls through the floor when startled.
Arthur: In the Still of the Night, Andy Alim will no longer teleport to or fall through the outhouse floor when getting up to attack Arthur.
Arthur: In A Malpractice of Doctors, performing a save/load inside any building separated by a loading (DSIR, Haworth Labs), and then progressing continuously to the Coconut Joy cutscene, without doing any other save/load no longer causes a blocker.
Ollie: Performing a Save/Load during the Jericho mission, at the Check out the Alarm objective, no longer causes Ollie and Margaret VO to stutter and repeat itself.
Ollie: The Uncle Jack video that plays in the lobby of the tower's subtitles no longer gets cut off in Japanese.
Sally: Small animation corruption after lowering the boat on the water is fixed.
Sally: Stuck spot between debris on the second floor to the left of the bed.
PC Only
Game no longer becomes unresponsive when minimizing and re-opening the game multiple times during loading while on Fullscreen and without the pause in background option.
Game no longer becomes unresponsive when minimizing during the booting screen while on Fullscreen.
Xbox Only
Suspending the title for an hour or longer will no longer kick the user back to the main menu with no in-game functionality on the gamepad.
Changelog for Update 1.8 (added 01 August 2019):
General Bugs/Stability
Fixed a crash that was happening when the player would greet another character while they had equipped pickup.
Fixed out of memory crash that would occur on certain world seeds in the Parade District.
Fixed "Busy" warning message when trying to either "Quit" or "Return to the main menu" while in an area of the game where it is not possible to save. “Cannot save” text now clarifies that saving is disabled in these areas.
Fixed a bug where characters could get stuck inside NPCs when shoving them in a corner and crouching inside them when they get up.
Fixed UI message prompts when quitting a DLC game that were misleading, as it appeared to the player that progress had not been saved.
Fixed Game Settings: Lighting no longer restores to "medium" upon restarting game.
Fixed heavy flickering when selecting a DLC icon with the mouse and changing the selection with the keyboard.
Fixed pressing Back and Confirm simultaneously in the Arcade or DLC menus led to a story menu that has no background.
Fixed the absence of background image or music on game details page on function screen.
Fixed some settings reverting to their default value after restarting the game.
Fixed subtitles being truncated with certain settings.
Fixed when choosing the "Revert Changes" option in the HUD option menu, the joy HUD icon was set to off by default.
Arcade Mode
Freeform: Fixed the Gameplay sub-window getting cropped when choosing High NPC Density on certain languages.
Freeform: Fixed the description of the mode being truncated when playing in 21:9.
Freeform: Moving between the white backyard tables and the stone wall behind them no longer causes Arthur to remain permanently trapped.
Freeform: All item names in the Crafting Menu with a status effect icon in their descriptions are no longer truncated.
Freeform: While in the Holy Yam zone, you can no longer see under the map.
Freeform: Fatigue, hunger and thirst meters used not to deplete once they were filled to 100%, but they now do.
Freeform: Total Score stat is now accurate on End Match screen.
All modes: Island names are now localized.
Freeform: Starting a game as a character other than Arthur, and then starting another new game as Arthur now actually starts with Arthur instead of the first character chosen.
Survival: Hunger and Thirst survival needs now fully deplete on the easy difficulty.
Survival: Current location is now displayed in all languages.
Survival: Strings are no longer truncated in the Crafting Screen.
Survival: Introduction text is no longer truncated.
Survival: Floating phone booths no longer spawn in the Garden District.
Survival: Islands can no longer be generated with several holes inside them.
Survival: The "Boat Capacitors" are no longer referred to as "Power Cells" in the final statistics screen.
All modes: Island names no longer change or are no longer missing after the first Save/Load.
All modes: Subtitles from Arthur death screen can no longer be seen overlapping the game over screen when playing in another language than English.
Wellie mode: The description of the mode is now completely inside the text box when playing in 21:9.
Wellie mode: The end of round tip telling the player to enter a popper no longer persists to the next night.
Encounter Fixes
Arthur - Cult of Jack: Looting one chest before triggering the cutscene with the fake Uncle Jack no longer causes the quest to be impossible to complete.
Arthur - Future Perfect: Returning to the main menu as the “Get the Frammistat” objective appears no longer causes the player to load back in without an objective active.
Arthur - An Awkward Courtship: The Cleaver no longer spawns during the first phase of the Encounter and so cannot be picked up and break progression.
Arthur - Joy Factory: FPS no longer gets very low when near the green goo being released to the right-side of the Joy Factory.
Arthur - Parade - Future Perfect: Dying right after talking to the director no longer causes multiple issues leading to progression breaks.
Arthur - Slaughterer's Apprentice: Performing a save/load while the package is mounted and ready to sabotage no longer prevents mounting the package again.
Arthur - Sandbox - Survival: NPCs cannot close the metal shutter of the rear entrance of Lawrence Residence anymore when they lose aggro and return to their position.
Arthur - Mother's Little Helper: Performing a save/load after interacting with the diary but before defeating Mrs Chaney no longer prevents the player from completing the quest.
Ollie - No Place like Home: Dying right after giving Victoria her pills no longer causes the player to get stuck on the Death screen.
Ollie - The Jack-o-Bean Club: Streaming out the encounter instead of picking up the fire extinguisher no longer causes it to be non-interactive.
Sally - So Foul and Faraday: Fixed issue preventing Nick's Hideout from being accessed on a specific worldseed.
Sally - Don't Cry Over Tinned Milk: Dying near Lionel's shop after speaking to him no longer causes the game to crash.
Sally - Don't Cry Over Tinned Milk: Dying near Sally's alley after crafting baby milk no longer causes the game to crash.
Sally - Millihelen: Returning to the Main menu as the Cultists start to drink a poisoned cup, no longer causes the game to crash.
Sally - Bad Dreams: Performing a save/load inside Mr. Ramsay's house no longer causes Sally to respawn under the terrain and die.
1. Установить игру setup_we_happy_few_88966_(64bit)_(34773).exe
2. Установить дополнение setup_we_happy_few_-_jolly_brolly_dlc_88966_(64bit)_(34773).exe
3. Установить дополнение setup_roger__james_in_they_came_from_below_88966_(64bit)_(34773).exe
4. Установить дополнение setup_we_happy_few_-_lightbearer_88966_(64bit)_(34773).exe
5. Установить дополнение setup_we_happy_few_-_we_all_fall_down_88966_(64bit)_(34773).exe
6. Играть.
➤ Системные требования (Минимальные):
ОС: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 (x64 only)
Процессор: Triple-core Intel or AMD, 2.0 GHz or faster
Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 460 GTX / AMD Radeon 5870 HD
DirectX: версии 11
Место на диске: 10 ГБ